Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Humanizing Technology

During the beginning of my stay at the hospital, I really found myself feeling out of touch with the rest of the world. I'm definitely of a generation that is "plugged in" to information constantly. Whether it is Twitter and Facebook coming in as text messages to the mobile, any number of gadgets that find themselves able to access the Internet in a variety of places, or a trusty laptop in front of me, there is a constant stream of information coming to our minds.

Soon after arriving in the skilled nursing unit, Emily brought my iPod Touch up and all of a sudden I was reconnected to the collective conscious of the world. I once again had access to email that I had been unable to check for over a month, and I was able to start sending out status updates via Facebook. Though it was a slow and arduous process due to the fact that I still had limited control of my hands, I felt that I was once again part of a larger community.

Soon after, I was able to start using my laptop, which became a constant companion, giving me access to information, friends, and entertainment. In a very real way, it helped to keep me sane during those times when there were no family or friends around. I also was able to take advantage of the technology to start creating video blogs detailing my progress and thoughts that I was having that day. It's interesting to go back to those early blogs now 7 months out and remember what was going on in my brain at the time.

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