Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New job, Week 4

A quick report on my new job, going into week four. Man, it's different working here than it was working at Carlisle. Most of it is different in a good way.

It is so nice to have more than 2 people in the IT department. There are a lot of things that happen from day to day that I simply don't have to worry about on a daily basis, like the nightly backups, das blinken lights on the servers in the server room, etc. I can, for the most part, concentrate on projects that I need to get done without a ton of interruptions.

And, wouldn't you know it, I met up with another person today that works here that I knew from way back when I started at Carlisle. Weird how they seem to end up here... guess that's a good thing.

Back to projects.

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