Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Addicted to Video Games?

So, up until last week, I had been putting many, many hours into playing a video game.  The game in question? Battlefield 2142.  The exact stats?  Total playing time of 3 days, 21 hours, and 50 minutes.  And that was over the course of only a couple of months.  Now, that may not seem like a lot of time, but when you consider that there towards the end I was spending between 2 and 5 hours with the game almost every night of the week, it gets pretty bad.

What exactly was the allure?  Well, I think that part of it was the multiplayer aspect.  The best computer AI can never replace the experience of playing with and against real, live, human counterparts.  Everyone has quirks, makes mistakes, and has a certain unpredictability.  Add to that the sense of camaraderie that comes from playing with others on teams, and it becomes a very addicting experience.  Of course, the game itself is great.  Excellent graphics, great sound, detailed environments, superb vehicles, it all adds up to one super gaming experience.

Battlefield 2142 Screenshot

So, maybe when I can begin to balance my writing with my game playing, I'll pick up another copy of Battlefield 2142 and start playing again.  That'll be quite the away bonus.

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